Sunday, July 5, 2009

My first post

Well, here I am, with my first post.

You know, I've been thinking about starting a blog for more than 2 years now, but it never really materialized. And I have no idea why.

See, I'm the kind of person who doesn't get out of the sofa (in my case, in front of the computer) EVEN if I have to. But even then, a blog has never really appealed to me. Why, you ask? As I said, I have no idea. Well, then what am I doing here writing a blog? Well, let me describe the scenario:

Its a Monday afternoon and I'm bored to death at my office. Work is pending but I'm just not in the mood, you know. So I figured, I should do something to occupy myself. If not, I'll probably end up falling asleep at my desk and that would not reflect well on my half yearly appraisal. That's when I thought - why not write a blog? It would be a great way to spend time (in which I should actually be doing some work).

So this is a start. How it is going to go on or if at all it will go on, I do not know. But rest assured, if there is any topic that I think I should write about, this is the place to look.



  1. so i am the first to comment!just created the blog and already done with 4 posts!gud job!lukn forward to more of ur 'diluted sarcasm'..:)

  2. Hehe, Thanks, let me get this up and running...:)
